


LED, the world's most high-profile new generation of light source, called as the most promising green lighting light source in 21st century because of its advantages such as high brightness, long life, non-toxic, recyclable features. As the demand became larger in global market, LED industry in China is facing a huge opportunity in the future. Behind the infinite prosperity, there exists huge embarrassment in the development of Chinese LED industry, and that is the LEDs made in China have poor quality and low reliability.


MTT has rich experience in the LED quality evaluation, failure analysis, and other fields. We provide a series of services for our customers in the phasesof research, application,reliability tests and after-sales. Our services can shorten development cycle of products, optimize the production process, promote the product upgrading, and improve the efficiency of enterprise production.


A Comprehensive Solution of LED

Failure Analysis

Dead light, Strobe, Light fades, Leakage, Poor heat dissipation, Poor optical properties, Vulcanization


Testing and evaluation of epitaxial silicon

Size Measure, Roughness, Structural Analysis of Quantum well, Static Test, Surface Morphology, Elemental Analysis of Epitaxial layer, Defect Location


Thermal Test and Evaluation

Infrared Thermal Imaging, Thermal Conductivity Testing, Finite Element Simulation, EDA thermal analysis, Transient Thermal Resistance Testing(T3Ster)


Electrical testing and evaluation

Electrical parameters testing


Optical testing and evaluation

Optical Parameters Testing, Near-field light intensity distribution testing (SIG), Optical simulation, Far-field light intensity distribution testing (Light distribution curve)


Reliability Testing

Thermal Shock, High Temperature Storage, Low Temperature Storage, Heat Cycle, High temperature and humidity lifetime test, Vibration test.


Training and Seminars

  • Contact Us
  • MTT Shenzhen

    Tel: 400-850-4050

    Fax: 0755-2782 1672

    Email: marketing@mttlab.com


    MTT Suzhou

    Tel: 400-118-1002

    Fax: 0512-6275 9537

    Email: marketing@mttlab.com


    MTT Shanghai

    Tel: 400-118-1002

    Email: marketing@mttlab.com


    MTT Dongguan

    Tel: 400-116-1002


Shenzhen Meixin Testing Technology Co., Ltd.
